Northeast Missouri Amateur Radio Club

Serving Adair County and the Surrounding Area
  • I M P O R T A N T   A N N O U N C E M E N T S:

  •  We are an Amateur Radio club in Northeast Missouri. We are in Adair county and have members from the surrounding area. The station Call sign is W0CBL
     We operate a 2meter repeater on 145.130-  156.7 tone
    We also operate a repeater on 442.525+ 156.7 tone
    and currently an APRS digipeater 
    Our club meets on the second Sunday of every month at 1:30pm
     at The Adair County Ambulance Training Center 606 W Potter.  

    map - acad

    Our club is ready to give ham licensing tests. Just e-mail to set up a test session.

    CLUB OFFICERS - 2023

    President                Jim Farmer                  KA0BAT

    Vice President        Dan Aronson         KE0WHL          

    Secretary                  Dan Aronson                KE0WHL

    Treasurer                  Don Bindner               KD0PGM

    Silent Keys Trubute Page

    Local Frequncies of Interest

    • 145.130 W0CBL repeater negative offset 156.7 tone
    • 442.525 repeater positive offset 156.7 tone DMR capable
    144.910 FSQ \ ares digital freq
    • 146.550 ares hvcall
    • 147.555 ares hv stage
    • 145.650 ares hv tac2

    Questions or comments can be sent to

    © 2015 All rights reserved. 

    Help for doing our nets:

    What's NEW:

    Packet Node List

    W0CBL Nets:

    Regional Nets

    Local Repeaters

    Other pages of interest to hams

